A King sets forth to save His people from the encroachment of the dark forces. But the people are indolent and do not recognise the enemy.

Many thousands seek and receive blessings for the battle. The faithful went among the people, to be ready and to herald the King, but they live their existence.

A very few believe in Him, carry Him in their hearts. They read about His heroic deeds. They are proud of Him and call out that He will save them, and loyalty is in their hearts.

However, at the frontline, the King is on His own!

The Son of Man, His birth, His existence, His Mission. None of this came to mankind's knowledge. Many human beings have since departed this life. Many more new births have come to pass. Multitudes of human spirits surge toward Earth. More than two thirds, however, do not belong here.

An old promise proclaims: Rejoice, for Justice is nigh, one can sense it already in all lands, for this reason everything is now meeting with its doom.

Humans are born endowed with a new sense; but not only among the newly-born will this be so; many among the people already living will receive this new sense.

Words to this effect were proclaimed already 80 years ago. Life carried on, accompanied by the occasional catastrophes, but the intellect dominates the world more than ever and worse than before.

The promise:

According to its kind, it was not meant to apply to a distant future. What happened? Is it so difficult to understand? The direct influence of the Light is receding; indolence and stagnation.

The prophesies could not manifest to their full extent, because according to the Cosmic Clock, since then time on Earth has not progressed.

After the entire chaos and the failure you were lost, but you have been granted a further period of Grace due to His intercession. You are permitted to prepare everything anew until each is at his post.

Nothing will fail to materialise, all is yet to come about. According to the spiritual viewpoint of the Happenings, Earth principally remains in the year 1941.

According to the Laws of Creation, this condition was brought on due to rigidity. For this time the form of the Holy Word was changed.

All those, who once vowed to help with the great work, were once more led to the Word. Many were once more permitted to decide and to repeat their vow in the World of Matter.

Now, almost all have returned.

But not only to the ranks of Crossbearers, they can also be found among many other religions. In the midst of anthropologists, Jehovah's Witnesses as well as in Islam and in Buddhism, Called ones are anchored. Their spirits are suffering severely. They rack their brains, they suffer from depression, they seek the Truth and they recognise the maldevelopment in all things. Their spirit is stricken by grief.

Soon, however, they will be relieved of the burden and their eyes will be opened. Once again they may attend to their task.

Millions of human spirits are waiting; they have an inkling of what is to come. They are prepared to receive the Word under the guidance of the Called ones once the collapse has occurred.

The acceleration:

How many more years do we have, or is it mere months?

There is no mistaking the events - they speak. The rigidity, the stagnation increasingly and visibly yields to an ever more obvious acceleration.

The inevitable is slowly but surely rolling towards Earth. The harbingers have arrived. Solar storms, pole leap, increased incidence of celestial phenomena, comets, asteroids.

How much longer until the climax has been reached which then brings about the collapse of all that does not swing in the Laws - it will be destroyed by the sudden penetration of the Light.

Consider this, however: it will descend upon you like a thief in the night. Over night.

See, how it erstwhile came over Atlantis.

Are you prepared? You believe to be faithful to the Light. You read the Holy Word and honour It wholeheartedly. But who among you is willing to risk even one speck of dust of his earthly existence?

You believe that the Light will ensure that everything happens at the right time.

You think that when the moment has come you will recognise it in time in order to jump on the bandwagon; but until then you pay more attention to material gain.

This is how those on the Holy Mountain were thinking, too. Who of them was prepared to stand up for the Lord? They were loyal as long as they were not endangered. They let the Lord down.

Consider what happened to the first Christians. They were persecuted by Jews and Romans. They feared neither death nor existence; their trust was unshakable. Severe earthly suffering came upon them, but then they were freed from all bonds of the Darkness. They were permitted entry to the Eternal Gardens, Paradise.

Consider, when the Light comes to your aid amid the Darkness, you need join forces at the forefront during the struggle!

However, your earthly well-being is too important to you. The Light does not know the Darkness, the Darkness you have brought about. But you expect the Light to help you emerge from this Darkness. And when the Light comes down to you, you honour It, you love It, you bear It in your hearts. However, you do not want to endanger yourselves on that account.

The preservation of your earthly integrity is always more important to you - this was the case 70 years ago and it remains so today. You are the Called ones, you have vowed allegiance. But you are not prepared to fight. Perhaps you believe not to know the enemy, but you do know him very well. He is you, you yourself; your vain selfish desires now form the unbridgeable gulf between you and your vow.

A King sets forth to save His people from the encroachment of the dark forces. But the people are indolent and do not recognise the enemy.

Many thousands seek and receive blessings for the battle. However, at the frontline, the King is on His own.

His faithful went among the people. They live their existence. They herald the King, they believe in Him, bear Him in their heart. They read about His heroic deeds. They are proud of Him and call out that He will save them; they pledge allegiance, however, at the frontline, the King is on His own.

Listen, you shall painfully lose everything now dear to you, everything to which you attribute great significance.

Consider, you are not beholden to mankind but to "Him".

Accompanied by a host of angels, prophesied thousands of years ago, emerging from the clouds, He, the Son of Man, shall establish the Kingdom. But not in your current world, it is too heavy. The Light can only penetrate when this dense shell is dissolved. Therefore, heed the longing that brings salvation, that helps you dissolve the density.

When the Light comes with full force, and It will be here soon, the outermost shell will be destroyed. Therefore, let go now, and you shall be spared much pain.

Then the flock of those who once were sealed may again stand ready to help, or they will perish. With this, however, their names will be effaced from the Book of Life.

He, the Son of Man, is present, but He has not clothed Himself in coarse gross matter; for that Mission He has fulfilled. He brought His Message so that for many of those who lost their way salvation was yet still possible. Only for this purpose was it necessary for Him to be present in matter.

There is nothing in your current world to which you may cling, for you therefore bind yourselves, and it prevents your access to a lighter form of matter which is destined for the Kingdom.

All this is so obvious and clear. Can you not see it?


Signed Simon

11 April 2013

Calls from the Primordial Creation 2013-2017